
Experimental activities are closely related to measurement activities that require measuring instruments. Skills using measuring instruments affect learning outcomes of the experimental activities carried out. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of the implementation of the training on the use of electrical measuring instruments on the performance evaluation of physics education students in the basic physics experiments 2 course. This type of research is survey research. The research population was all students of the Physics Education Study Program Universiti of Riau semester 2, who took the Basic Physics Experiment 2 course in 2017, 2018 and 2019. The number of classes was 6 classes and each year a random sample class was taken, so the research sample amounted 3 classes. For 2017 students taking part in the Basic Physics Experiment 2 course, were only given instructions on the use of measuring instruments when conducting experiments, where as in 2018 and 2019, students taking basic physics experiments 2 were provided with special training before conducting experiments. The data collection instrument used was from the results of a three-year student performance assessment sheet on the topic of multiloop and alternating current experiments. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis. The results showed that students who were equipped with training in the use of electric measuring instrument before the lecture begins of Basic Physics Experiment 2, gave better performance assessment results compared to students who were not equipped with training in using electric measuring instrument. Therefore, training in the use of measuring instruments before conducting an experiment is very important given the basic physics experiment 2 on the topic of multiloops and alternating current.


  • Kegiatan eksperimen sangat berhubungan dengan kegiatan pengukuran yang memerlukan alat ukur

  • The results showed that students who were equipped with training in the use of electric measuring instrument before the lecture begins of Basic Physics Experiment 2, gave better performance assessment results compared to students who were not equipped with training in using electric measuring instrument

  • Analisis Sarana Prasarana Laboratorium Fisika dan Intensitas Kegiatan Eksperimen Fisika dalam Mendukung Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Fisika SMA Negeri di Kabupaten

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Bahan dan Metode

Penelitian survey yang dimaksud untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya pengaruh pemberian pelatihan pada sample yang dikaji, dengan cara membandingkan satu atau lebih kelompok yang sudah mengalami perlakuan tertentu (Suharsimi Arikunto, 2000). Materi Eksperimen yang disurvey pada penelitian ini adalah materi kelistrikan terkait topik eksperimen multiloop dan arus bolak balik. Mahasiswa yang mengambil mata kuliah Ekperimen Fisika Dasar 2 ditahun 2017 tidak mendapatkan pelatihan khusus menggunakan alat ukur listrik. Mahasiswa pada tahun 2018 dan 2019, terlebih dahulu dibekali dengan pelatihan penggunaan alat ukur sebelum perkuliahan Eksperimen Fisika Dasar 2 dimulai. Mahasiswa diberikan waktu khusus satu pertemuan untuk latihan penggunaan alat ukur listrik seperti multimeter, voltmeter, ampermeter, basic meter dan osiloskop, serta diajarkan cara membaca hasil pengukuran dan menentukan ketakpastian dalam pengukuran. Instrumen pengumpul data yang digunakan adalah hasil lembar penilaian kinerja pada eksperimen multiloop dan arus bolak balik selama tiga tahun.

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