
Transportation is the movement or transfer of both people and goods from a place of origin to a destination. In this movement or movement, of course, using transportation facilities in the form of vehicles which in operation cause noises such as engine sound coming out through the muffler or horn. At a certain level, these sounds can still be tolerated in the sense that the consequences they cause are not a nuisance, but at a higher level, the sound generated by these vehicles is already a nuisance or pollution, which is called noise. The activity of the population of Bogor district a suburb of the capital city of Jakarta in Indonesia is relatively high. Along with economic development in the Bogor district, the number of motorized vehicles operating both private and public vehicles has also increased. The purpose of this study was to determine the average volume of motorized vehicles that pass through the Dramaga highway, especially in front of Karya Bhakti Pratiwi Hospital, and also to determine the level of noise generated due to the volume of motorized vehicles. The method used in this study is a quantitative method by calculating the number of vehicles and the average volume of vehicles and data analysis. The data taken is vehicle volume data every 15 minutes and noise levels using a Sound Level Meter (SLM). In this study, three SLMs were used which were placed at three points. The results showed that the volume of vehicles affects the noise level quite significantly. The results of data analysis show that the effect of volume on noise is 12.6%, where the equation is as follows, y = 72.898 - 0.003 x1 + 0.220x2 - 0.054x3. This equation means that if there is no decrease in motorcycle volume, light vehicle volume, and heavy vehicle volume, the noise level in SLM 1 is 72.898 dBA. However, if there is an increase in the number of light vehicles by 0.220, it is found that the number of motorcycles and heavy vehicles is decreased by 0.22, so the noise level will increase by 0.003 dBA.

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