
TikTok is an application that is often used by teenagers in the Vuca era. Personality in the Vuca era was defined as a form of character, human behavior. because of that, the researcher intends to conduct research on the effect of the tiktok application on adolescent behavior. Through the TikTok application, teenagers express themselves through the video content they make. With the frequent circulation of TikTok content that is inappropriate to watch, it will affect the behavior of adolescents, especially teenagers who are still in puberty and who have not can distinguish between what is good. Teenagers who can still be influenced based on what they see and hear without special supervision from their parents will form a personality character that is not good because they lack social interaction and do not remember when using the tiktok application, it's not uncommon for them to often follow what they see and hear in the video content. It can be concluded that the influence of using the application Tik-Tok on adolescent behavior provides changes in behavior, mental health and social interaction in adolescents, describes how to prevent and deal with bad behavior that will arise from the TikTok application, and how to use good time for teenagers when using the TikTok application.

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