
The effect of the rearing system (intensive and semi intensive) and biological factors (genotype, age, sex) on absolute and index values of carcass conformation measures in chickens (metatarsus length, keel length, breast depth, thigh girth and breast angle) was investigated. In the trial Arbor Acres and Redbro chickens were used and duration of fattening was 42 and 50 days. Chickens at the age of 50 days had better conformation compared to chickens at the age of 42 days. Carcasses of male chickens had better conformation than female chickens. Genotype Arbor Acres had considerably higher values of relative conformation measures than chickens of Redbro genotype. Chickens reared in chicken coop had higher values for length of metatarsus, breast depth and thigh girth compared to chicken reared on free range. .


  • Chickens reared in chicken coop had higher values for length of metatarsus, breast depth and thigh girth compared to chicken reared on free range


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Savremena živinarska proizvodnja zahteva stalno inoviranje tehnološkog procesa proizvodnje, kako zbog poboljšanja ekonomske efikasnosti, tako i zbog zadovoljavanja potreba tržišta za novim i drugaþijim proizvodima a sve u cilju ispunjenja zahteva potrošaþa. S druge strane, intenzivna brojlerska proizvodnja je kritikovana zbog odsustva dobrobiti za brojlere u njoj. Tomaševiü novih sistema gajenja u kojima se tove spororastuüi hibridi. Dugotrajna intenzivna i usmerena selekcija na brzinu porasta i efikasnost iskorišüavanja hrane kod brojlerskih piliüa dovela je do znaþajnog napretka u genetskom potencijalu za tovne osobine. Današnje selekcije piliüa za tov se znaþajno razlikuju u pogledu telesnih masa, efikasnosti korišüenja hrane i konformacije trupa (Reddish i Liburn, 2004; Pavlovski i sar., 2006; Havenstein i sar., 2003; Sarica i sar., 2004) u odnosu na nekadašnje brojlere. Cilj naših ispitivanja je bio utvrÿivanje uticaja sistema gajenja (intenzivan i poluintenzivan ) i bioloških faktora (genotip, uzrast i pol) na konformaciju trupa

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