
The results of studies on the influence of the number of irrigation and mineral fertilizers on the structural indicators of winter oats in the Western part of Azerbaijan are presented. It was found that 2 irrigations contributed to an increase in the productivity of stems (39-100 pcs/ m2, the length of the ear is 1.7—6.0 cm, the number of grains in the ear is 4-10 pcs, the seed weight of the ear is 0.08-0.16 g, the thousand seed weight is 2.5—7.5 g compared with the control variant). Three — time watering — contributed to an even greater increase in oat indicators (43-102 pcs/m2, ear length — 2.2-6.3 cm, the number of grains in the ear — 6-12 pieces, the seed weight of the ear is 0.11-0.20 g, the thousand seed weight is 3.3-9.4 g compared to the non-maneuverable control variant). In order to obtain a high and high-quality harvest of oat grain and restore soil fertility on the gray-brown irrigated soils of the Ganja-Kazakh economic zone, it is recommended that farms use vegetation irrigation and mineral fertilizers in the norm N120P120K903 times annually.

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