
AbstractThe response of the mesospheric migrating diurnal (DW1) tide to the Madden‐Julian oscillation (MJO) is investigated for the first time using a simulation from the Specified‐Dynamic Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (SD‐WACCM), which is driven by reanalysis data. Analysis shows that a significant connection exists between the MJO and the mesospheric DW1 tidal amplitude. During MJO phases 2 and 3, the convection anomalies are associated with enhancement in both the solar insolation absorption and latent heat release in the equatorial troposphere; these in turn lead to stronger DW1 forcing. Conversely, the forcing of DW1 by solar and latent heating in the troposphere is weaker during MJO phase 8. The difference of the tidal amplitude during the opposite MJO phases from the boreal winter mean state is ~15–20%. The parameterized gravity wave variations are found to have a significant impact on the DW1 tidal response in some phases of the MJO.

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