
This study aimed to know the effect of science process skills of students and activity among the inquiry training and the conventional learning. This research is quasi-experimental study using pre-test and post-test design. The population of the study was students in Medan. Techniques that used to gain a simple is cluster random sampling, the first was grade as experimental class used the inquiry training model and the second was grade as the control class used the conventional learning. The instruments of this study were the science process skills test. The activity, affective, and psychomotor was used observation sheet. The analysis results that the inquiry training was better than that conventional learning in improving the science process skills of students.


  • Mutu pendidikan di Indonesia masih rendah jika dibandingkan dengan negara-negara lain

  • This study aimed to know the effect of science process skills of students and activity

  • The analysis results that the inquiry training was better than that conventional learning

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil keterampilan proses sains siswa dan aktivitas belajar melalui penerapan model pembelajaran inquiry training dan pembelajaran konvensional pada materi pokok suhu, kalor, dan perpindahan kalor. Penelitian ini merupakan quasi eksperiment dengan desain two group pre-test dan pos-test. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kota madya medan. Teknik yang digunakan dalam pengambilan sampel penelitian adalah cluster random sampling, yaitu kelas eksperimen menggunakan model pemebelajaran inquiry training dan kelas kontrol menggunakan pembelajaran konvensional. Instrumen penelitian berupa tes keterampilan proses sains, aktivitas belajar, sikap dan keterampilan siswa berupa lembar penilaian yang digunakan oleh observer. Hasil analisis data menjelaskan bahwa uji model pembelajaran inquiry training lebih berpengaruh dalam meningkatkan keterampilan proses sains siswa daripada pembelajaran konvensional. Katakunci: Inquiry Training, Keterampilan Proses Sains Siswa. THE EFFECT OF THE INQUIRY TRAINING MODEL TOWARDS SCIENCE PROCESS SKILLS OF STUDENTS

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