
The initial molecular beam epitaxy growth of GaN on GaAs(001) was studied by real-time monitoring of the (3×3) surface reconstruction and its transition to an unreconstructed (1×1). Various growth conditions were established by variation of the V/III ratio, i.e., the Ga flux. We characterized the effect of the first two strained GaN monolayers: a N-terminated GaN (3×3) monolayer and a second unreconstructed (1×1) monolayer. A series of samples were grown under N-rich, Ga-rich, and near-stoichiometric growth conditions. The resulting morphology of the interface region was analyzed by high-resolution scanning electron microscopy, Auger-electron spectroscopy, and double crystal x-ray diffractometry. The N-rich and Ga-rich conditions resulted in extensive defect formation due to the nitridation damage of the GaAs substrate. The extent of this was found to be determined by the properties of the first GaN monolayer. The surface roughness under optimum growth conditions could be as low as ∼20 nm, defined by nanocrystalline grains, showing no observable nitridation damage.

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