
2-Ethylhexyl nitrate, also referred to as cetane booster or cetane improver, is now commonly used as a diesel fuel additive to increase cetane number. It is already used in the refinery blending of a final product. It can also be obtained in the form of a supplementary additive for a final consumer. Its positive effect on the cetane number is undisputed and proven, but at the same time, due to the nature of its effect on the combustion process, the measured oxidation stability of diesel fuel may be adversely affected. This negative effect has been observed in the measurement of oxidation stability according to EN 16091 and also in a test simulating long-term storage of diesel fuel, the results of which are presented in this publication. The effect of 2-EHN on the carbonisation residue according to EN ISO 10370 was also studied in the context of monitoring the oxidation stability of diesel fuel with the addition of 2-EHN. In this case, the negative effect of 2-EHN was not demonstrated.

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