
Measurements of Infra-red Transmission.---The use of colored glasses as absorption screens for transmitting bands of monochromatic radiation depends upon the variation in the transmission of the radiation with change in temperature. The region investigated extends from 1 \ensuremath{\mu} to 5 \ensuremath{\mu}. The temperature was varied from 40 to 460 degrees centigrade.Apparatus; Tungsten Lamp Source, Quartz Spectrometer, and Galvanometer.---The radiation from a tungsten lamp was passed through glasses placed in an electric heater. The transmission of radiation of various wave-lengths was observed by means of a spectrometer using a pair of large rock salt prisms which could be rotated through any desired angle and the radiation of varying wave-length made to fall on the slit of a thermo-pile. The intensity of radiation was determined by the deflection of a highly sensitive galvanometer.Conclusions; Transmission Independent of Temperature.---The results appear to indicate that to within 8 \ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{} per cent. the variation in temperature produces no change in the transmission of infra-red radiation through the colored glasses tested.

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