
AbstractThree types of polystyrenes were prepared at different temperatures of 50, 150 and 250°C by bulk thermal polymerization of styrene below 20 percent of conversion. The assignment of all stereosequences at pentad level of quaternary aromatic carbon and hexad level of methylene carbon of the polystyrenes were done using 13C Liquid NMR in deuterated chloroform at similar conditions. Bernoullian and first-order Markov statistics were calculated and the results were compared with experimental NMR results. It is shown that first-order Markov statistics fit slightly better than Bernoullian statistics for the assigned carbons. The results indicated that by increasing polymerization temperature the probability of meso addition (Pm) in polystyrene chains was enhanced. Pm was calculated for polystyrenes prepared at 50, 150 and 250°C and corresponding values were 0.378, 0.398 and 0.402 respectively. It was shown that by increasing temperature the polymerization is directed toward the Bernoullian propagation. By increasing the NMR acquisition temperature from 20 to 65°C higher resolution especially in quaternary aromatic carbon was achieved and the related peak was splitted to 16 peaks corresponding to a heptad level compared to 10 peaks in 20°C.

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