
High resolution n.m.r. spectra are readily obtained at room temperature on ten per cent solutions of polymethyl methacrylate in chloroform. For polymers prepared by free radical polymerization, the tacticity parameter β (the probability that neighbouring asymmetric carbon atoms in the chain are in syndiotactic placement) computed accurately (±2 per cent) from the relative areas of the α-methyl magnetic resonance peaks, is observed to obey Bernoulli trial statistics (as reported by others), to increase from 0·64 to 0·86 as the temperature chosen for polymerization ranges from 250° to −40°, and to be unaffected by other polymerization variables such as the initiator, the conversion, the molecular weight of the product, and the presence of any of a variety of solvents. Accordingly, the reaction producing an isotactic placement occurs with an Arrhenius factor 1·65-fold greater, and an activation energy 1·07 kcal larger, than the corresponding variables for the competing syndiotactic addition, a result somewhat different from that found in Bovey's pioneering investigation. Speculations on correlations between sequence length distributions and the diffraction pattern and solubility of partially crystalline polymers are included.

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