
Jaje tarek is one of Lombok's special dry snacks made from rice flour and coconut milk and goes through a pregelatinization and frying process before being consumed. Jaje tarek has not been developed much, both in the manufacturing process and in the nutritional content. The study aims to determine the effect of pragelatinization of rice flour and mocaf on the characteristics of jaje tarek that fortified with Moringa leaf flour. This research method is experimental method with Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 2 factors (factorial) that pregelatinization technique (P, P1; conventional technique, P2; pressure) and the duration of pregelatinization (t, t1; 10 minutes, t2; 20 minutes, t3; 30 minutes). The data gain were analyzed using analysis of variance at 5% significance level using Co-Stat Software, there was a significant difference and further test used Least Significant Difference (LSD) at 5% level. The results of the study indicates that the interaction between the technique and the duration of pregelatinization has a significant effect on the chemical characteristics, called water content, protein content, carbohydrate content, and antioxidant activity of jaje tarek, as well as organoleptic characteristics, called hedonic color, aroma, and texture of jaje tarek. The best treatment was obtained in the pregelatinization technique with conventional steaming with a pregelatinization time of 10 minutes with a moisture content of 4.70%; ash content 1.07%; protein content 7.40%; fat content 25.26%; carbohydrate content 61.47%; antioxidant activity 55.60%; panelis preferred on all parameters with a crunchy texture.Keywords: conventional steaming, jaje tarek, pregelatinization, presto

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