
The physical conditions in a high density hydrogen gas heated and ionized by suprathermal protons were investigated, with application to the gas in the nuclear region of Seyfert galaxies. The gas is assumed optically thick to Lyman and Balmer line radiation. Mechanisms by which the radiation from the gas can balance the heating by the fast protons were investigated, and minimum values for the mass of gas were estimated. Under certain conditions, the suprathermal atoms themselves can cool the ambient gas by rescattering the line radiation into the optically thin region in the wings of the line. This mechanism, called optical reverberation, can enhance the broad component of the hydrogen lines produced by inelastic atomic collisions and yield line widths consistent with those observed in Seyfert and quasar spectra. Also discussed is the possibility of achieving dynamic equilibrium of the ambient gas by balancing the momentum transfer from the suprathermals with gravitational attraction of a massive central source.

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