
The research aims to investigate theimpact of strategy ofsimilarities in thedevelopment of visual thinking for mathematics at the primary school students, and to achieve the goal of the study and a researcher hypotheses put zero the following: -
 Thereis nosignificantdifferencefromstatisticlevel (0.05) between the mean scores of the experimental group students who will study the similarities and according to the degree of control group students who will study according to ordinary method to test visual thinking skills strategy.
 Thereis nosignificantdifferencefromstatistic at thelevel of significance (0.05) between the average grades of the experimental group in the test results (tribal - dimensional) for visual thinking skills.
 Thereis nosignificantdifferencestatisticathelevel of significance (05, 0) between the average grades of the control group in the test results (tribal - dimensional) for visual thinking skills.
 Thelimitation of theresearchison a sample of students of the fifth grade, in a school (peace be upon him Hadi primary mixed) of the Directorate of Education BAGHDAD / Rusafa third.
 TheResearcherchosesthenumberof pupilsrandomly (67) male and female pupils, after the exclusion of statistical represented Division (a) the control group, amounting to its size (31) pupils and studied according to ordinary method, while represented the Shab'a (b) of the experimental group, with a volume of (31) male and female pupils and studied according similars strategy.
 Two sets of variables are conducted (chronologicalage, previous achievement in mathematics, the academic level of the parents, visual thinking), testing visual thinking "dish tribal" on my sample search, after extracting the results, began researcher taught the two groups (experimental and control), applied after the tool visual thinking.
 TheresearcherAdoptedstatisticalmethods (t-test for two samples interlinked and one sample, Pearson) correlation coefficient.
 The most important findings of thisresearch can be shown as follow:
 Thereis asignificantdifferenceisstatistic at thelevel of (0.05) between the average grades of the experimental group, which will study the similarities and according to the degree of control group students who will study according to ordinary method to test visual thinking skills strategy.
 Thereis a significantdifferenceinsstatisticlevel of significance (0.05) between the average grades of the experimental group in the test results (tribal - dimensional) for visual thinking skills.
 Thereisnosignificandifference instatisticthelevel of significance (0.05) between the average grades of the control group in the test results (tribal - dimensional) for visual thinkingskills.


  • Thelimitation of theresearchison a sample of students of the fifth grade, in a school of the Directorate of Education BAGHDAD / Rusafa third

  • The most important findings of thisresearch can be shown as follow: Thereis asignificantdifferenceisstatistic at thelevel of (0.05) between the average grades of the experimental group, which will study the similarities and according to the degree of control group students who will study according to ordinary method to test visual thinking skills strategy

  • )1983‬‬ ‫‪ .5‬جابر‪ ،‬جابر‪:‬الذكاءات المتعددة والفيـ تنمية وتعميقاً‪ ،‬دار الفكر العربي‪،‬القاىرة(‪)2553‬‬ ‫‪ .6‬جبر ‪ ،‬يحيى ‪ :‬اثر توظيؼ است ارتيجية دورة التعمـ فوؽ المعرفية في تنمية المفاىيـ وميا ارت التفكير البصري‬ ‫بالعموـ لدى طمبة الصؼ العاشر الاساسي ‪ ،‬رسالة ماجستير غير منشورة ‪ ،‬كمية التربية ‪ /‬الجامعة الاسلامية ‪ ،‬غزة‬

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Thelimitation of theresearchison a sample of students of the fifth grade, in a school (peace be upon him Hadi primary mixed) of the Directorate of Education BAGHDAD / Rusafa third. ‫ثالثاً‪/‬هدف البحث‪:‬‬ ‫ييدؼ البحث الحالي إلى التعرؼ أثر است ارتيجية المتشابيات في تنمية التفكير البصري لمادة‬

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