
The purpose of this study to evaluate the effect of storage time on the persentage of yield extract and toxicity stability of Gamal leaves (Gliricidia maculata) powder to control mealybugs. The gamal leaves were colected form three different cultivars (North Lampung, West Lampung, and Pringsewu). The leaves powder was stored in the freezer (-4 ¼C) during 12 and 24 months. The powder storaged was macerated with methanol and aqudest, then concentrated by rotary vacuum evaporator to yield the crute exstract (paste), the paste was used for bioassay to mealybugs with residual effect methode. The result shows that the storage time of the powder raw material of insecticide candidate from G. maculata leaves for 12-24 months does not significantly affect to the stability of the toxicity and persentage paste yield. But the long time of storege culd be decrese the toxicyty effectiveness and persentage paste yield gained

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