
Abstract-STEM-based learning is an interdisciplinary approach to learning in which students use science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Lesson Study is a method used to evaluate the learning process that has been done in class so that the learning process experiences changes and improvements in the future. This research is a quantitative study that aims to determine the effect of the implementation of STEM-based learning through lesson study activities on student learning outcomes in chemical equilibrium material.This research was conducted in November at SMA Negeri 5 Padang with 30 research subjects. The implementation of STEM-based learning in lesson study activities is carried out on the Chemical Equilibrium material with the stages of plan, do and see. At each stage improvements and improvements in the learning process have been carried out. The research data was taken using an observation sheet instrument and cognitive learning test results.Based on data analysis, the average lesson study implementation was 87 who were very well qualified. This means that the implementation of STEM-based learning through lesson study activities in chemistry learning can improve student learning outcomes with the results of the t-test is 0.031. Keywords-STEM, Lesson Study, Learning Outcomes, Chemical Equilibrium

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