
Today's fast-paced digital world has an impact on people's spiritual lives, particularly those of young people. Christian youth should lead lives that are marked by development or progress. Young people require a leader who has a spiritual soul and can serve as a role model and life guide as they enter the process of maturing, particularly in terms of their spiritual development. Because of this, the necessity for leaders in human life has always changed with time and has always been a fascinating subject of conversation. A church leader is required to possess this spiritual leadership. This is due to the significant influence that church leaders have on Christian youth's spiritual development within the church. The purpose of this study is to ascertain how spiritual leadership affects young people's spiritual development. With 130 members, Seyo Evangelical Church of Mekane Iyesus youth, West Showa, served as the study's sample. Regression analysis is the analytic technique employed. The spiritual development of the fledgling Seyo Evangelical church of Mekane Iyesus is positively impacted by spiritual leadership. Youth spiritual growth will accelerate in the presence of strong spiritual leadership.

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