
Background: Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers among women in the world. The study aims to analyze the effect of social capital, social sup­port, hope, and self-compassion toward the quality of life of breast cancer survivors. Subjects and Method: It was a cross sectio­nal study conducted from December 2019 – January 2020. The sample used was 200 breast cancer survivors aged ≥18 years old and were selected by using simple random sampling in Lovely Pink Community Solo. The dependent variable was the symptom and functional aspects of quality of life of breast cancer sur­vi­vors. The independent variables were socio­demography factor, social capital, social sup­port, hope, and self compas­sion. Data collection were conducted by using questionnaires. Data analysis was conducted by using path analysis with Stata 13. Results: Good quality of life among breast cancer survivors increased and was directly affect­ed by symptom aspect with strong social support (b= 6.63; CI 95%= 2.52 up to 10.76; p= 0.002), high social capital (b= 3.73; CI 95%= 1.17 up to 6.30; p= 0.004), high self-compas­sion (b= 3.17; CI 95%= 0.57 up to 5.77; p= 0.017), education ≥high school (b= 4.19; CI 95%= 1.41 up to 6.97; p= 0.003), age ≥50 years (b= 1.78; CI 95%= 0.05 up to 3.51; p= 0.044), and high hope (b= 4.80; CI 95%= 1.85 up to 7.75; p= 0.001). Good quality of life among breast cancer survi­vors in­creased and was direct­ly affected by functional aspects with strong social support (b= 3.13; CI 95%= 1.61 up to 4.64; p< 0.001), high social capital (b= 1.74; CI 95%= 0.31 up to 3.17; p= 0.017), high self-compassion (b= 1.60; CI 95%= 0.24 up to 2.94; p= 0.021), education ≥high school (b= 2.41; CI 95%= 0.95 up to 3.86; p= 0.001), age ≥50 years (b= 1.38; CI 95%= 0.11 up to 2.66; p= 0.034), and high hope (b= 2.42; CI 95%= 0.98 up to 3.86; p= 0.001). Conclusion: Good quality of life among breast cancer survivors in symptom and functional aspects is affected by strong social support, high social capital, high hope, high self-compassion, high education (≥high school), and age ≥50 years old. Keywords: social support, social capital, hope, self-compassion, quality of life Correspondence: Eka Miftakhul Jannah, Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jalan Ir.Sutami 36A, Surakarta, Central Java, Indo­ne­sia. Email:ekamiftakhulj@gmail.com. Mo­bi­le­­: 08­­5­­6­49665213. Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health (2020), 5(1): 52-64 https://doi.org/10.26911/jepublichealth.2020.05.01.06

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