
Microbubble translations driven by ultrasound-induced radiation forces can be beneficial for applications in ultrasound molecular imaging and drug delivery. Here, the effect of size range in microbubble populations on their translations is investigated experimentally and theoretically. The displacements within five distinct size-isolated microbubble populations are driven by a standard ultrasound-imaging probe at frequencies ranging from 3 to 7 MHz, and measured using the multi-gate spectral Doppler approach. Peak microbubble displacements, reaching up to 10 μm per pulse, are found to describe transient phenomena from the resonant proportion of each bubble population. The overall trend of the statistical behavior of the bubble displacements, quantified by the total number of identified displacements, reveals significant differences between the bubble populations as a function of the transmission frequency. A good agreement is found between the experiments and theory that includes a model parameter fit, which is further supported by separate measurements of individual microbubbles to characterize the viscoelasticity of their stabilizing lipid shell. These findings may help to tune the microbubble size distribution and ultrasound transmission parameters to optimize the radiation-force translations. They also demonstrate a simple technique to characterize the microbubble shell viscosity, the fitted model parameter, from freely floating microbubble populations using a standard ultrasound-imaging probe.

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