
Adequacy of breast milk is the condition of the baby or mother showing several signs that indicate satisfaction in the production or consumption of breast milk. Infants aged 6 months, can be judged to have adequate breastfeeding, one of which is marked by the baby drinking breast milk every 2-3 hours or in 24 hours at least getting breast milk 8 times in the first 2-3 weeks. Papaya leaf simplicia can be one way to increase the rate of secretion and milk production and a strategy to overcome the failure of exclusive breastfeeding caused by low milk production. Based on this background, the researchers conducted a study on the effect of papaya leaf simplicia (Carica Papaya L.) on the adequacy of breast milk in infants aged 6 months. This type of research is a quasi-experiment with a one-group pretest-posttest design. The results showed that there was an effect of Papaya Leaf Simplicia (Carica Papaya L.) on the adequacy of breast milk in infants aged 6 months (sig=0,000<α=0,05). This shows that consuming Papaya Leaf Simplicia (Carica Papaya L.) is proven to be effective in increasing the adequacy of breast milk.

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