
The aim of this study was to develop a quantitative, awake animal model to investigate the effect of sildenafil on centrally-evoked erectile activity. Intracavernous pressures were recorded in awake, male Sprague Dawley rats after administration of apomorphine (100 or 250 microg./kg. subcutaneously). Sildenafil (100 microg./kg. intravenously) was then given 10 min. after a second dose of apomorphine. The time to first response, duration of response, and peak intracavernous pressure and area under the response, were measured before and after sildenafil. Apomorphine produced rhythmic increases in intracavernous pressure. The pressure increase consisted of two components. The amplitude of the first, tonic response was 58 +/- 3 mm. Hg, and a superimposed, burst-like increase in pressure elevated this further to 81 +/- 6 mm. Hg. Bilateral transection of the pudendal nerves abolished the burstlike pressure changes; bilateral transection of the cavernous nerves prevented both responses. The duration of the apomorphine-induced increase in intracavernous pressure was significantly (p = 0.003) prolonged by sildenafil (100 microg./kg.) from 37 +/- 4 to 62 +/- 11 s (n = 6). The overall intracavernous pressure response to apomorphine (100 microg./kg.), measured as the area under the curve, was significantly (p = 0.003) increased by sildenafil (100 microg./kg.) from 67 +/- 8 to 142 +/- 31 units (n = 6). N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (40 mg./kg. intravenously) prevented the apomorphine-induced responses. Monitoring intracavernous pressures in the awake rat represents a simple model to evaluate the effect of drugs on erectile function. Using this model we have shown that apomorphine elicits a rise in intracavernous pressure that can be prolonged by sildenafil. These results suggest that there may be a role for the combination of apomorphine and sildenafil in the management of erectile dysfunction.

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