
Purpose: To assess the effect of extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (SWL) on blood pressure, patients’ tolerance to pain andperirenal hematoma in patients with renal stones. Patients and methods: One hundred eighty nine patients between 2007-2009 underwent SWL procedures at 4.5 and 5.5 KV with shockwaves of up to 4,000 and 5,000 shockwaves, they were followed up for post procedure pain, hypertension and perirenalhematoma. For statistical analysis, chi square test was used. Results: One hundred fifty three (81%) patients developed post procedure pain. The degree of pain was of mild that relieved byanalgesia to severe that required hospitalization, increasing energy level did not increase the chance of post SWL pain while thelarger stones caused more post SWL pain ( p = .003). Fifteen patients (7.9%) developed post SWL hypertension, female patientsand age more than 50 years found to increase the risk of post SWL hypertension. Post SWL hypertension is not affected byincreasing energy level and number of shockwaves. Only one patient (0.52%) developed post SWL perirenal hematoma. Conclusion: SWL has a high incidence of post SWL pain. Females and age above 50 years are more prone to develop postSWL hypertension. However the number of shockwaves and energy level did not increase the risk of developing post SWLhypertension. Perirenal hematoma is a rare complication of SWL.

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