
The present study sought to investigate the effect of semantic mapping strategy instruction on EFL elementary stage students' vocabulary acquisition. The study sample comprised fifty-two sixth-grade elementary students at Sufan Primary School in Bisha, K.S.A. The participants were randomly assigned either to the control group (N = 26) or the experimental group (N= 26). Both groups were pre-post tested using a vocabulary test prepared by the researcher. Then, the experimental group was taught the course-book 'WE CAN' supplemented with semantic mapping strategy instruction whereas the control group was taught the same course-book in the traditional method. Two hypotheses were formulated and tested. A T-test was used in the statistical analysis of the collected data. Results revealed that semantic mapping strategy instruction is effective in enhancing vocabulary acquisition among the participants in the experimental group. In addition, compared to traditional instruction, semantic mapping strategy instruction was more effective in developing the participants' vocabulary acquisition. These results substantiate the importance of implementing semantic mapping strategy instruction in EFL classrooms as it helps learners to move vocabulary knowledge to the long-term memory for storage purposes and retrieve it from long-term as needed for use.

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