
Beef steer carcasses from three 2 x 2 factorial feeding experiments (Exp. 1, 20 carcasses; Exp. 2 and 3, 19 carcasses each) were evaluated to study the influence of supplementing with roasted soybeans (RSB; 127 degrees C for 10 min) vs soybean meal (SBM) and implanting with the estrogenic growth promoter Synovex-S (SYN, 20 mg estradiol benzoate and 200 mg progesterone) on carcass merit, composition of dissected 9-10-11th rib section, estimated edible carcass composition, and cooking characteristics of strip loin steaks. In all experiments, steers were fed diets consisting of 15% corn silage, 15% orchardgrass silage, and 70% corn-based concentrate. There were no treatment interactions found in this study. Final BW averaged 480.4, 498.5, and 500.7 kg for Exp. 1, 2, and 3, respectively, and hot carcass weights averaged 288.4, 296.4, and 309.1 kg. Across experiments, hot carcass weight was 8.3 kg less (P < .03) for RSB steers than for SBM steers. Fat weight (P < .01) and percentage of fat (P < .01) were less and percentage of bone (P < .04) was greater in the 9-10-11th rib section of RSB steers than of SBM steers. Estimated percentage of fat (P < .02) was less and percentage of bone (P < .04) was greater in edible carcass of RSB steers than in that of SBM steers. Total 9-10-11th rib section weight tended to be less for RSB steers (P < .08) than for SBM steers. Carcass merit measurements were not affected (P > .10) by supplement, but numerically the percentage of kidney, pelvic, and heart fat was 11% greater for RSB steers than for SBM steers in Exp. 2 and 3. Final BW and carcass weight were 38.7 and 22.6 kg greater (P < .01), respectively, for SYN-implanted steers than for steers not implanted. Longissimus muscle area was greater (P < .01), percentage of kidney, pelvic, and heart fat (P < .02) was less, USDA quality grade tended to be less (P < .09), and shear force of strip loin was greater (P < .01) for SYN-implanted steers than for steers not implanted. The 9-10-11th rib section and estimated carcass compositions were not different (P > .10) between SYN-implanted steers and steers not implanted but reflected a somewhat leaner carcass. The authors conclude from this study that in feedlot steers, either implanted or not implanted, there is no benefit from supplementing with RSB in place of SBM, and that the use of RSB in place of SBM in feedlot diets may reduce the amount of edible carcass.

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