
The effect of river water quality, its inflow rate, and temperature on planktonic food web composition and activities were studied in the eutrophic Sau Reservoir (Catalonia, NE Spain). We analyzed 8 longitudinal transects conducted between July 1996 and April 1999 covering a wide range of variability in both seasonal and spatial circulation patterns. To compare objectively the biological longitudinal gradients under seasonally fluctuating water levels and different types of water circulation patterns, we applied a model based on the relative distance of a sampling station from the river inflow. Even under different hydrological scenarios, the model was able to characterize epilimnetic food chain successions and locations of peaks of bacteria, heterotrophic nanoflagellates, ciliates, phytoplankton, and zooplankton along the longitudinal gradient. The amplitude of microbial peaks was directly related to the proportion of nutrient and organic carbon rich river water that mixed into the reservoir epilimnion. Enhanced abundances and activities of microbes were detected in spring and summer periods, mainly during events of river water overflow when a large proportion of the river was directly mixed into the epilimnion. Thus, the relative input of river water is suggested to be a useful predictor of the amplitude of the development of the epilimnetic microbial food webs in highly loaded canyon-shaped reservoirs. These results may have important implications in the context of global change in Mediterranean regions, where expected reductions in runoff may profoundly affect river water circulation patterns in reservoirs and hence organic carbon cycling in these ecosystems.

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