
This research is set against the backdrop of the low awareness of some students in obeying the discipline of praying zuhur congregations, as well as there are still students who are late in praying zuhur congregations, and some students who choose to receive sanctions or punishments rather than perform the prayer of zuhur congregation. In accordance with the above problems the purpose of the study is: 1) Describe the level of influence of awards on the discipline of the implementation of prayer zuhur congregation, 2) the effect of sanctions on the discipline of the implementation of zuhur prayer of 1st State Luhak Nan Duo. In accordance with typical data in this study used quantitative approach, research data is obtained through questionnaires. The findings were analyzed with correlation techniques, in unison, and Regression Coefficient Determination Test and Regression Coefficient t test. The results of the analysis showed that the: first influence of the Award (X1) on the discipline of the implementation of zuhur prayer congregation (Y) at a rate of 5 % with the hypothesis was found 2,042, while at the level of 1 % there was no effect of the award ( X1) on the discipline of the implementation of zuhur prayer congregation (Y), while independently the award was influential by 10%. Second, there is the effect of sanctions on the discipline of the implementation of zuhur prayer congregation both at the level of 5 % and 1 % with the hypothesis found 2,732, while the sanction independently affects 25.5%


  • Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh rendahnya kesadaran sebahagian siswa dalam mematuhi disiplin pelaksanaan shalat zuhur berjamaah, begitu juga masih terdapat siswa yang terlambat dalam melaksanakan shalat zuhur berjamaah, serta ada siswa yang memilih menerima sanksi atau hukuman dari pada melaksanakan shalat zuhur berjamaah

  • “Character Education Based on Religious Values: An Islamic Perspective.”

  • Ta’dib: Journal of Islamic Education 21, no

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Pelaksanaan Correlation

Dari hasil analisis diperoleh besar hubungan secara parsial antara X1 dengan Y yakni sebesar 0.100 (10%). Arti penting dari hasil penelitian ini ialah bahwa penghargaan atau reward merupakan bagian yang harus dipertimbangkan dalam memberikan dorongan kepada peserta didik, apalagi peserta didik yang masih berada pada usia labil seperti di sekolah menengah pertama. Temuan penelitian di atas memiliki relevansi dengan kesimpulan para peneliti yang mengungkapkan bahwa penghargaan terhadap peserta didik akan meningkatkan dan memberikan semangat bagi mereka dalam memperlihatkan eksistensi dirinya 20, 21, 22. Pengaruh sanksi terhadap disiplin pelaksanaan sholat Zhuhur berjama’ah siswa di SMP N 1 Luhak Nan Duo. Berdasarkan hasil analisis uji tmaka dapat dibuat rangkuman hasil perhitungan uji koefisien regresi tersebut untuk mengambil keputusan diterima atau ditolaknya H0, dalam penelitian ini yang terlihat pada table 3 berikut ini: Tabel 3. Data yang terdapat pada table 3 di atas dapat diperjelas dalam bentuk dsekripsi yakni: 1) 2.732 > 1.658 artinya variabel sanksi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap ibadah siswa pada taraf 5 %. 25 Aprianto et al, “The Influence of Using Audio- Lingual Method on Students‟ Speaking Skill in Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah Awwaliyyah,” Izdihar : Journal of Arabic Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature 3, no. 2 (2020): 149–62

Penghargaan Sanksi Correlation
Residual Total
Model R R Square
Feedback in Improving Writing Production in Elementary School
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