
Repirinast, a novel ingested antiallergic asthma medication from Japan, was compared versus placebo on airway responsiveness to methacholine and was compared versus placebo and cromolyn on airway responses to allergen. In 14 patients with mild, stable, atopic asthma, we performed a double-blind, double-dummy, random-order trial with ingested repirinast 300 mg twice daily for 7 days, inhaled cromolyn 40 mg spincaps single dose, and double placebo on allergen-induced early (EAR) and late (LAR) asthmatic responses and increased airway responsiveness. In the 14 subjects, no difference occurred in methacholine PC 20 after 6 days of repirinast or 6 days of placebo. In the 13 subjects who completed the allergen study, single-dose cromolyn significantly reduced the EAR by 63% and the LAR by 65% versus placebo ( p < 0.02); repirinast was not significantly different from placebo, both the EAR and LAR being reduced by less than 10%. Allergen-induced increase in methacholine responsiveness was borderline ( p = 0.052), and no significant drug effects occurred. In these models, a 1-week treatment period with repirinast, like other oral antiallergic asthma medications (e.g., ketotifen, fumarate), provides no protection against airway responses to methacholine or allergen.

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