
- The objective of the study is to investigate if Reciprocal Teaching Method (RTM) significantly affects students’ reading comprehension. This study was conducted by using experimental research design. The population of the study was the students of the eleventh grade at Madrasah Al Washliyah 12 Perbaungan academic year 2020-2021. The total number of students was 172. By applying cluster random sampling technique, two classes were selected as the sample namely XI IPA 1 and XI IPA 2. There were 36 students in each class. The experimental group was XI IPA 1 taught by employing Reciprocal Teaching Method (RTM) and the control group was XI IPA 2 taught without applying Reciprocal Teaching Method (RTM). The instrument for collecting the data was a multiple choice test consisting of 40 questions of analytical exposition text. The data were analyzed by using t-test formula. It was found that t-observed value was higher than that of t-table (34.21 > 4.11) with degree of freedom df =58 at level significance α= 0.05. It means Ha was accepted and Ho was successfully rejected. Thus, Reciprocal Teaching Method (RTM) significantly affects students’ reading comprehension.Keywords: Reading comprehension, Reciprocal Teaching Method

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