
Abstract Effect of Rare Earth (RE) on hot workability of duplex stainless steel (DSS) has been investigated using processing map, which is based on the dynamic material model theories and the Prasad instability criterion. It is found that RE narrows hot deformation parametric regions for the presence of the particular yield point-like phenomenon in flow curves and reduces the mismatch in hardness between softer ferrite and harder austenite. At large strains, the efficiency of power dissipation of the tested steel (DSS1) with RE is relatively higher than that of the other one (DSS0) without RE. Microstructure analysis shows that RE contributes to the development of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) in austenite. The optimum hot working domains for both test steels are considered to be at 1423–1473 K and 0.01 s − 1 in which sufficient DRX of austenite develops. As predicted in the processing map, RE can narrow the flow instability region at 1223–1273 K caused by bands of flow localization, and can eliminate the unstable domain at 1373–1473 K and 1–10 s − 1 which is related to the microcracks. It is believed that micro-alloyed RE could play an important role in hot workability of DSSs.

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