
Please fill up the following information accurately. (Please use Times New Roman, 12 pt. The effect of Quantum learning model on foreign language speaking skills, speaking anxiety and self-efficacy of secondary school students Learning English as a foreign language is considered important for different reasons in the world. However, despite the great effort and investment in Turkey, the rate and level of learning English is not at the desired level. The aim of the research was to examine the effect of quantum learning model on foreign language speaking skills, speaking anxiety and self-efficacy of secondary school students. Needs analysis was used to determine the research subject and the model and method used in the research. The research was designed in the experimental model. The experimental model was a 3x4 (experimental, control and placebo group X pre-test, post-test, retention test, retention monitoring test) semi-experimental model. A pilot implementation was conducted at a seventh grade before the main implementation, and feedback for the main implementation was received. The study group consisted of three seventh grades of a secondary school, achievement level of which was middle. Each class was assigned as control, experimental or placebo group by cluster sampling method. The implementation of curriculums in the groups lasted ten weeks including the application of pre-test and post-test. In conclusion, the curriculum conducted according to quantum learning model increased students' self-efficacy beliefs in English and reduced their English speaking anxiety. However, the contribution of the model to speaking skill was not statistically significant. The activities in English curriculum conducted according to quantum learning model attracted the attention of the students, increased participation in the events, led students to inquire and make research, made the lesson enjoyable. Information about Author(s)* Author 1 Author (Last name, First name) Altın, Mehmet Affiliated institution (University) Country Email address mehmet.altin@adu.edu.tr Department & Rank Corresponding author (Yes/No) Write only one corresponding author. Author 2 Author (Last name, First name) Saracaoğlu, Asuman Seda Affiliated institution (University) Country Email address sedasaracal@gmail.com Department & Rank Corresponding author (Yes/No) Author 3 Author (Last name, First name) Affiliated institution (University) Country Email address Department & Rank Corresponding author (Yes/No) Author 4 Author (Last name, First name) Affiliated institution (University) Country Email address Department & Rank Corresponding author (Yes/No)

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