
Gambier is a natural product that contains high amounts of cathechin. Cathechin has bioavailability as an antimicrobial such as fungus. Dandruff is a problem on the human scalp caused by fungus where this condition can be treated by using shampoo.The purpose of this study was to ascertain how the properties of solid shampoo were affected by the catechin extract from Gambier. This study's design comprised three replicates and five treatments in a fully randomized fashion. Catechin extract was added to the shampoo in amounts of 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4% of the total contents. Evaluations were conducted on the created shampoo's chemical, physical, and organoleptic properties. By the measurement of pH, percentage of solid content, foam height, texture, color, and scent revealed that the addition of gambier catechin extract could had a substantial influence (α = 5%) but not for dirt dispersal. Adding 4% of Gambier's catechin extract to the solid shampoo resulted in the optimal concentration. Further studies are needed to ascertain the specific role of the Gambier catechin extract in solid shampoo in order to fully appreciate the benefits of using it in shampoo products.

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