
In response to the 2009 Colgan 3407 airline crash and ensuing public concern, Public Law 111-216: The Airline Safety and Federal Aviation Administration Extension Act of 2010 was signed into law on August 1, 2010. This legislation mandated significant changes to the aviation and airline industries. Among these changes, an increase in pilot qualification standards was enforced for pilots seeking employment with US air carriers. This study explores the perceptions of aviation faculty members and flight center personnel at four-year collegiate flight training programs in the US regarding the effect of PL 111-216. Results of this national study indicate the majority of respondents believe PL 111-216 will have an adverse effect on collegiate aviation flight students, collegiate aviation flight training programs and the US air carrier industry. This study also revealed the perception that collegiate flight students will begin to pursue flight careers (non-US airline or corporate aviation) that are not directly impacted by PL 111-216.

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