
The purpose of this study was to see how pre-sprouting and planting dates affected potato tuber yields of varied sizes. The Split-split Plot was used as the experimental design, with four replications. The effect of years on medium, small, and discard tuber yields was significant, while the effect of planting times on total, big, small, and discard tuber yields per decare was not. The impact of pre-sprouting and planting timings on the traits studied were not statistically significant. There was no difference in total, medium, small, and discarded tuber yields per decare between the varieties; however, there was a difference in big tuber yield. According to the study's findings, the Binella variety should be pre-sprouted on March 23 (2 080.5 kg da-1, 1169.3 kg da-1) and the Slaney variety on April 13 (2 022.9 kg da-1, 1207.5 kg da-1), and both should be planted on May 15. The Binella variety should be pre-sprouted on April 13 (701.0 kg da-1), and the Slaney variety on April 3 (892.4 kg da-1) for medium tuber yield, and both should be planted on May 15. Plant the Binella variety without pre-sprouting (243.0 kg da-1) and the Slaney variety with pre-sprouting on April 3 (223.8 kg da-1) on May 5th for small tuber output. The Binella variety should be pre-planted on April 13th and planted on May 5th (123.4 kg da-1) for the production of discarded tubers, but the Slaney variety should be planted on May 25th without pre-sprouting (113.8 kg da-1).

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