
The background of this research is the low performance of the Office of Women's Empowerment, Child Protection and Community Empowerment (P3PAD) Medan City. This study aims to analyze and understand the effect of policy implementation, HR competence, and community empowerment on the performance of the Medan City P3APD office either partially or jointly. This research focuses on the variables of Policy Implementation, HR Competence, Community Empowerment and Performance. This research method is a quantitative approach method, data collection techniques using documentation techniques, questionnaires, and literature study. This research data collection tool is a questionnaire based on the Likert scale, observation, interviews. The data analysis technique in this research is validity test, F test and t test. The sampling technique in this study was proportionate stratified random sampling. The results of this study prove that Policy Implementation has an effect of 83.6%, HR Competence has an effect of 99.9%, Community Participation has an effect of 91.3%, Policy Implementation, HR Competence and Community Empowerment together have an effect of 99.9%. on the Performance of the Office of Women's Empowerment, Child Protection and Community Empowerment (P3PAD) Medan City. As a recommendation for the results of this study, namely: (1) carry out monitoring and evaluation of local regulations related to DP3APM agencies so that it describes the financing of work programs supported by the e-budgeting system, e-money for community empowerment in Medan City, etc., (2) increasing cooperation between multi stakeholders in the city Medan in increasing the competence of human resources through increasing knowledge based on science and technology and IMTAQ, (3) The regional government is expected to involve stakeholders in the health sector in order to increase the effectiveness of the community empowerment program in Medan City through socialization efforts, ToT, training and workshops so that occupational health and safety are in empowerment programs. Medan city community is more secure.

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