
This research was conducted in the village of jiken Tulangan sidoarjo. Aims to determine the effect of POC dosage and growing media on the growth and yield of pakcoy mustard. As wel as to determine the correct dosage of POC and planting media for the growth of pakcoy and mustard in order to obtain the highest yield. The experiment was arraged in a factorial design used was a rendomized block design (RBN) with the first factors P1, P2, P3 and the second factor M1, M2 which ware repeated 4 time, in order to obtain 24 experimental units. The variabels observed ware plant height, number of leaves, dtem diameters, leaf area, wet weight, and antioxidants. Were analysed using ANOVA 5% to determine the differences between treatments. The results showed that admistration of POC dosage and the planting medium had in teraction on the variable leaf area at the age of 40 days after which the highest average was 26,63 treatment of soil and compost growing media with POC 15ml/liter (M1P1) compared to other treatments and the lowest average was 23,50 treatments of soil planting media, compost, cow manure with a POC dosage of 20ml/liter (M2P2). And there was no interaction on the observation variables of plant height, number of leaves, stem diameter, and wet weight. A good antioxidant test occurs in the treatment of soil and compost growing media with a POC dosage of 25ml/liter (M1P3) with value of 124,226 which is classified as moderate antioxidant because the IC50 value is between 100-150 μg/ml.

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