
Use of synthetic dyes for dyeing of textile fabrics is most problematic environmental concerned for textile industry. The demand of natural colourants for the dyeing of textile fabrics has been increasing. Thus, sustainable novel technologies for textile dyeing are needed that utilize improved colour strength and enhanced performance characteristics of the fabric. This study attempts to highlight the possibility of using cochineal natural dye in the printing of polyester fabrics after surface modification by O2/Ar plasma treatment. The colour strength, air permeability, crease recovery angle of printed fabrics, colour fastness to rubbing, washing and light, were also studied. The surfaces of untreated and plasma-treated polyester fabrics were analysed by SEM to compare the morphological changes. Surface roughness and cracks were indicated after the plasma pretreatment. The results indicated that plasma treatment could improve the printability of polyester fabric compared with untreated samples, with enhanced the adhesion and penetration of printing paste to the surface. The air permeability of printed fabrics has decreased, while the angle of crease recovery has increased. The fastness properties of printed samples were found suitable to very good.

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