
T HE RATIONALE of a t tempt ing to modify the course of advanced m a m m a r y carcinoma by transecting the pituit a ry stalk has been discussed in a previous publication. ~ Preliminary observations on the small group of patients reported previously were sufficiently encouraging to warrant an extension of these studies in a larger group of women. Studies have been carried out to compare the known effects of hypophysectomy with the physiological alterations tha t occur in humans when the pituit a ry gland is isolated surgically from its normal anatomical connections with the hypothalamus. A detailed s tudy of adrenal function in these patients has revealed tha t the A C T H feedback mechanism virtually is abolished following section of the stalk, although the ability of the adrenal glands to secrete cortical hormones in response to stress is diminished only in proportion to the adrenal a t rophy that occurs) 7 Additional studies of adrenal function and the course of m a m m a r y carcinoma following section of the stalk will be reported subsequently. The present paper will report the effect of pituitary-s ta lk section on thyroid function and gonadotropic-hormone excretion.

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