
Background: Pneumonia is inflammation of the lung parenchyma in the alveoli and interstitial tissue caused by bacteria. The incidence of pneumonia in children <5 years in developing countries is higher when compared with developed countries, namely 10-20 cases/100 children per year, causing more than 5 million deaths per year in toddlers. Non-pharmacological techniques are currently in the spotlight as additional interventions for nursing care to overcome shortness of breath. Objective: To determine the effect of pursed breathing lips therapy or blowing a piano on the respiratory rate of pediatric patients with pneumonia Method: The research design used was a pre-experiment design, one group pre-test and post-test. This design involves one group being given a pre-test (O), given treatment (X) and given a post-test. Treatment success is determined by comparing pre-test scores and post-test scores. The research population and sample were 30 respondents, 15 control groups and 15 intervention groups. The research instrument uses a questionnaire. Statistical analysis uses a Paired Sample T-Test. Results: Respiratory results before therapy were given were abnormal >30x/minute (83.3%), the child blew the piano with the tone given for 17 seconds, rested for 2 minutes and carried out 3 attempts. The results with an average child respiratory rate of 34.53 before and 32.13, mean that there was a decrease in the RR value before and after the PLB technique, was carried out. The effect of PLB (pianika blowing) therapy on the RR value of preschool children with pneumonia at Prikasih Hospital. P-Value 0.043. Conclusion: Pursed Lips Breathing therapy is effective in increasing the RR value so this non-pharmacological therapy can be used as additional therapy for pneumonia patients. There is an effect of PLB (pianika blowing) therapy on the RR value of preschool-aged children with pneumonia at Prikasih Hospital.

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