
The experiment was conducted during 2013-2014 in one of the private farms in Fallujah city-Anbar governorate, west of Iraq, in order to study the effect of the application of phosphate (0, 100 and 150 kg P.ha-1) and the folair application with Ferrodixine (0, 50 ad 100 mg.L-1) I growth, yield and the active compounds in Volatile oil in cumin plant (Cuminum Cyminum L). The ANOVA analysis has been done for studied characters according to factorial experiment that has been applied in RCBD in three replications. The study results showed that adding 150 P kg.ha-1 gave significant increase in growth characters, yield, proteirn concentrationinn seed and volatile oil compounds such as a- pinene, p-cyinene, Terpinene and Cuminaldehyde. While the folair appllication showed that 100mg Fe.L-1 concentration gave siginificant increase in plant height, plant yield, percentage of oil in seed, and effective compound in volatile oil such as p-cyinene and Terpinene. The two way interaction between P and Fe was significant in studied characters, therefore the plant that fertilized with 150 kg P.ha-1 and pryaed with 100 mg Fe.L-1 gave the heighest average of plant height, Inflorescences number per plant, 1000-seed weight, percentage of oil and protien in seed, and effective compounds such as a-piinene, p-cyinene and Trpinene.

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