
The effect of phenobarbital on thyroid function and the metabolism and biliary excretion of thyroxine in rats was determined. Phenobarbital, administered for 2 weeks at a dose of 100 mg/kg/day, resulted in an increase in hepatic and thyroid gland weights, decreased circulating levels of T 4, T 3 and rT 3, and increased TSH levels in male and female rats. After 3 months of treatment liver and thyroid weights were still increased; however, hormone values were not as markedly affected indicating that the rats had partially compensated for the effect on thyroid function. In thyroidectomized rats the plasma clearance of thyroxine was increased with phenobarbital. In bile duct cannulated phenobarbital-treated male rats the hepatic uptake at 4 hr was markedly increased. Bile flow was increased and the 4-hr cumulative biliary excretion of administered radioactivity was increased by 42%. Most of the increase in the excretion (76%) was accounted for by an increase in the excretion of thyroxine-glucuronide in phenobarbital-treated rats. Hepatic thyroxine-glucuronyltransferase activity in phenobarbital-treated rats expressed as picomoles per milligram of protein was increased by 40%; enzyme activity per gram of liver was increased by about twofold which, coupled with increased hepatic weight, resulted in about a threefold increase in total hepatic thyroxine-glucuronyltransferase activity in phenobarbital-treated rats as compared to that of controls. Qualitatively similar effects on metabolism, excretion, and enzyme induction were noted in female rats; however, the magnitude of increase was less than that observed in male rats. It is concluded that the effect of phenobarbital on thyroid function in rats is primarily a result of its effects on the hepatic disposition of thyroid hormone. The induction of thyroxine-glucuronyltransferase appears to play an important role in the increased metabolism and excretion of thyroxine in phenobarbital-treated rats.

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