
This research aimed to investigate the effect of pedagogic competence and work environment on the performance of elementary school teachers at the Kuantan Singingi District. Methodology in This study uses a quantitative approachwith a path analysis model. The participants of this study were 103 elementary teachers in Kuantan Singingi District, Singingi Hilir District. The research instrument was a closed questionnaire on the google form application. The questionnaire used a five-point Likert scale. Hypothesis testing is obtained from the t-test and F-test. The results show that there were several conclusions, namely: 1) pedagogical competence has a positive and significant effect on elementary school teachers performance in Singingi Hilir District, the increasing of pedagogical competence of the teachers could improve their performance, 2) The working environment has a positive and significant impact on the performance of teachers in the District Elementary School Singingi Hilir, where a good work environment would improve teacher performance. 3) pedagogical competence and work environment affected the performance of public elementary school teachers Singingi Hilir District with a coefficient of determination or R-Square of 0.301 or 30.1%, meaning that pedagogical competence and work environment have an influenced on performance of 30.1%.

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