
Considering that recumbency can lead to a change in localization, detectability of distinct margins and thus measurement of the organs and reconstruction quality, it is of value to evaluate the effect of positioning on the objective evaluation of abdominal organs in computed tomography (CT). The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of patient decubitus on adrenal gland CT biometry. For this purpose, 6 clinically healthy adult beagle dogs underwent CT examination in 4 recumbencies. The various adrenal gland's size measurements were performed by 2 observers. Statistical analyses revealed that repeatability and reproducibility was the highest on the ventral and right lateral recumbencies, respectively. Significant differences were found in the left adrenal gland's length between the different positions (P < 0.001) and the left adrenal gland's width of the cranial pole measured in the dorsal plane (P < 0.04). The measurements on the parasagittal images differed significantly for the left adrenal length (P = 0.01), cranial pole height (P = 0.03), the right adrenal gland's lateral limb's length (P = 0.05) and medial limb's caudal poles height (P < 0.01). The caudal pole height of the right adrenal gland's medial limb was significantly different (P < 0.01) in all positions on the transverse images. In addition, the adrenal position differed significantly, except for the left adrenal gland relative to the nearest renal vessel (P = 0.1). According to these results, it is recommended to perform a CT of adrenal glands always in the same recumbency. If adrenal glands are evaluated on images taken in various recumbencies, we suggest relying on the measurements made on transverse plane images.

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