
The use of compost is effective to improve the physical, biological and chemical structure of the soil, which makes plant growth and yield better. The purpose of study was to determine the effect of oyster mushroom baglog compost on the growth and production of several local purple sweet potato genotypes (accessions of Dolok Perdamean with purple tuber, accessions of Silimakuta with purple tuber, accessions of Sumbul with purple tuber, and accessions of Parbuluan with purple tuber) on the various doses of oyster mushroom baglog waste compost application (0, 10, 20, 30 ton/ha). This research was conducted at Jl. Idi Gang Eka Dewi, Medan Johor Subdistrict, from the end of December 2018 to June 2019. The results showed that the administration of oyster mushroom baglog compost gave a good influence on the growth and production of some local purple sweet potato genotypes. The accession of Sumbul with purple tuber had produces the highest growth plant stem length, while the Dolok Perdamean accession with purple tuber had produces the highest on B class tuber grading. The application of oyster mushroom baglog waste compost markedly improves on A class tuber grading. The best dose of oyster mushroom baglog waste compost was 30 tons/ha.

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