
The teacher's professional performance is very important to be considered and evaluated because the teacher carries out professional assignments. This study aims to determine: the magnitude of the influence of organizational climate on teacher professional performance, the magnitude of the influence of school culture on teacher professional performance and the magnitude of the influence of organizational climate and school culture on teacher professional performance. The research approach used is descriptive quantitative. The magnitude of the effect of the X 1 variable on Y is 30.05%, the effect of the variable X 2 on Y is 37.8% and the effect of variables X 1 and X 2 on Y is 40.1%. The conclusion: 1) organizational climate has a significant effect on teacher professional performance; 2) school culture has a significant effect on teacher professional performance; 3) the organizational climate and school culture together have a significant effect on the professional performance of Muhammadiyah High School Palembang teachers. Article visualizations:

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