
Purpose: The purpose of this study is effectiveness of village-owned enterprise optimization, village wealth management, and village government performance management on the early increase in village income in Badung Regency. Methodology: This survey was conducted in seven villages in Badung Regency. This study used purposive sampling, by determining the sample with certain criteria, namely the village selected as the sample is a village that has a village-owned business entity and its operational activities are still active. The sample size of this survey was 61 respondents, that is, staff directly involved in the management of households in the village. This study used multiple regression. Findings: Based on the results of the analysis and testing conducted, optimization of the management performance of Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDesa), Village Asset Management and Village Government will have a positive effect on the increase in the village’s original income of Badung Regency. Originality/Value: This study aims to determine by testing empirically the effect of optimizing village owned business entites, village assets management, and village government managerial, performance on increasing village original income.

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