
In this paper, the slow MHD mode oscillations of the coronal plasma are studied. The aim is to identify the effect of structuring (such as magnetic field, temperature, density, and pressure) on the frequencies of oscillations. We modelled the coronal medium as a low- β plasma with longitudinally density and pressure stratifications and a weakly inhomogeneous magnetic field varied slowly with height and radial directions. The linearized ideal MHD equations reduced to a single Klein–Gordon differential equation for square of oscillatory frequencies. The eigenfunctions and analytical dispersion relations are derived. The dispersion relations were solved numerically. In the case of uniform magnetic field, the previous studies verified. Our numerical results show that, the frequencies and their ratios are very sensitive functions of pressure scale height, and slightly varying functions of inhomogeneity parameter of magnetic field. By changing the magnetic field strength between the apex and footpoints of the loop about 50%, the frequencies ratio are changed about 5%. We concluded that, the pressure scale height and temperature gradient are first order effects and inhomogeneity of magnetic field is a second order effect on the slow mode oscillations.

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