
The study aims to identify the effect of Needham’s Constructive Model on the achievement of the 2nd year intermediate students in Mathematics and their attitudes towards it. The researchers used the experimental design of partial control for the control and experimental groups. The study sample is 68 students, where the experimental group is 34 students, and the control group is (34) students. The researchers prepared two scales as achievement test, which include (30) multiple choice items. Items psychometric properties and statistical analysis have been got, and a scale of attitudes towards mathematics that includes (30) items with three alternatives. Items reliability, validity, discrimination coefficients are got. The two groups were rewarded in the variables of age and previous achievement in mathematics, IQ test and attitudes scale. After applying the experiment and the two study tools on the study sample, the results showed that there were statistically significant differences at the level (0.05) in favour of the experimental group in achievement and attitude towards mathematics. Key words: Needham’s model attitudes toword mathematics

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