
Introduction: In Indonesia, the problem of stroke is becoming increasingly important to pay attention to because the incidence of stroke in Indonesia is the highest in the Asian region. Stroke sufferers in Indonesia have increased according to 2018 Basic Health Research (RISKESDAS) data based on age groups. Stroke incidents are more common in the 55–64-year age group. Stroke in the elderly is a complex problem because it has an impact on the family. Apart from physical factors, there are psychological problems and illnesses such as chronic disease, poverty, successive failures, prolonged stress, or conflict with family or children. Living conditions like this can trigger depression. Depression can affect anyone, but people with chronic illnesses such as stroke are at higher risk. One method to reduce depression levels is music therapy. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of music therapy on reducing levels of depression. The methodology used is "Quasi experimental pre-post-test wit control group". With the intervention package providing music therapy to the intervention group. Meanwhile, the control group was not given intervention, only given direction. The population in this study were elderly people in the PKM Cipayung work area. Analysis results the results of statistical tests in the control group obtained a p value = 0.254. which means there is no significant difference in the average pre and post-depression levels in the control group. The results of statistical tests in the intervention group showed a p value = 0.058, meaning that there was a significant difference in the average level of anxiety in the pre and post intervention groups.

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