
Background: Mucuna prurien is a tropical legume also known as velvet bean and has been used by ancient healers’ community for different healing purposes.Objective: This study was carried out to determine the effect of Mucuna Prurien leaves aqueous crude extract on haematological parameters of Wistar rats.Materials and Methods: Twelve healthy adult wistar rats weighed 1200g ± 1700g body weight respectively for (21) days produced periodic body weight gained while assessment of haematological parameters was done using sysmex KX-21N. Outcome values from the assessment were collated as data and statistically analyzed. Results and Discussions: The results showed that the leave extract produced relatively decreased total white blood cell count (TWBC) though falls within the control normal range. There was significance increase in red blood cell (RBC), packed cell volume (PCV), white blood cell (WBC) and Haemoglobin (HB) concentrations within normal limit which can indicates the possibility of using this leaf in treating anaemia.Conclusion and Recommendations: This study revealed that administration of mucuna prurien for forty eight (48) hours could stimulate erythropoiesis without haema-toxic effect in rat, however, mucuna prurien causes an increase in RBC, platelet, lymphocyte, MCH, MCHC, and MCV; that was significant enough for clinical trial in cases of anemia. Further study is therefore recommended on Mucuna Prurien especially in finding out the lethal dose and the identification of the plant component responsible for the observed leucopoenia so that it can be safer for use in the treatment of anaemia and in order to also avoid uncontrollable increase of red cell parameters (erythrocytosis) and leucopenia.

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